Saturday’s skies feature an opportune alliance between the moon in your cozy fourth house and the Sun in your productive sixth. You won’t even need to leave Chez Gemini in order to cross ...
Savvy socializing is in order when the productive Virgo moon in your communal eleventh house signal-boosts the Sun in Scorpio on Saturday. Maybe you feel like you already have a fantastic list of ...
You’re no stranger to strong emotions, Cancer. If you’re flooded with feels on Saturday, your reflex might be to duck into your shell, but try this tactic instead: Be open to expressing what ...
It’s not your fault people can’t take their eyes off of you on Saturday! As the moon in your glamorous fifth house high-fives the Sun in your interpersonal seventh, you’re bound to grab the ...
Let it go, Libra. On Saturday, the nurturing moon in your twelfth house of surrender and healing forms a flowing sextile to the transformative Scorpio Sun. Here’s a golden opportunity to release ...
Wear your heart on your sleeve this Saturday when the emo moon in your intense, intimate eighth house gets in flowing formation with the Sun in passionate Scorpio. Let your guard down and reveal ...
You never know when a guardian angel will appear in an unexpected guise and open doors to your dreams. Saturday is a good bet as the moon in your ambition arena high-fives the Sun in your spirit ...
The moon zips into your sign on Saturday morning, encouraging you to put your own needs first for a change. Plus, la luna happens to be fist-bumping the radiant Sun in powerful Scorpio and your ...
If your wanderlust is on the rise, just researching an exciting trip will help scratch the itch. When the moon goes toe to toe with your ruling planet, stern Saturn, on Sunday, you’re likely to ...
You’re intent on being of service this Saturday as the useful Virgo moon pings the energetic Sun in transformative Scorpio. If a loved one needs a favor, making time to help them out can have a ...
Mute your mic today, Fish. The moon in your critical, detail-oriented sixth house is locking horns with mental, verbal Mercury in your outspoken, broad-strokes ninth. You’re eager to share a ...
On Saturday, a fortunate moon-Sun sextile could set the stage for a moneymaking opportunity, so stay on alert. Whether it’s a lucrative side hustle or a higher-paying position at your company ...